
Game Night

Tonight we went to the ILA to watch daddy play Lacrosse.  The kids love going there- they get to run around and chase each other and no one tells them to stop.

Daddy did an awesome job and the team only lost by one goal.  It was a really close game.


Cleaning House

Today was a busy day.  It always seems that as soon as I start something it leads to another and another...  Today's project was the Dining/Guitar room- to me its a dining room- where we have our meals- to my husband it is where he stores his guitars and other music.  This proves to be a challenge often- I don't mind having the guitars in the room- they are like art and I think it is unique to have them in our dining room.  This being said- I don't always appreciate the clutter that follows- the gig bag, cd's, albums, arts and crafts the kids are working on- it is definately the all purpose room in our home.

I was able to repurpose a few things and make the room look a bit more organized.  I only hope that it can stay this way for a bit.

Next step was the dreaded toy room - each child has a toy box.  Gray never looks in his and Sophia is constantly looking and dumping things in hers.  We always try to go through them every few months to get rid of broken toys and donate any toys that are not played with.  They are always willing to give up so much and are happy when I tell them it goes to kids without. 

2 bags to donate and 3 bags of garbage - all in a days work.


Lucky snow day

Today was an unusual day in the Bomberry home.  Everyone of us had a snow day - even daddy.  It was a much needed day to just stop and do what we wanted instead of running around.
I had success on Ebay and spent too much time on Etsy...
Sophia played in the snow with me, daddy shoveled the snow and helped others shovel snow, and Graydon just had a great day relaxing.

Tomorrow we will awake refreashed and ready to take on what lies ahead.  Thank you mother nature for this day.