
Growing up

In the past two weeks my baby turned 4 (going on 14) and my son lost another tooth. This has been a definate shake for me to realize that they are growing up and fast. These milestone events in their lives remind me that they are their own people and they are growing up.

Graydon when asked about loosing his tooth thought that he should get $20 because it was a big tooth- smile- obviously the tooth fairy couldn't give every child that kind of money or he would be broke.

I asked him what he thought of the tooth fairy and this is what he said- he believes the tooth fairy is himself and he comes when he is asleep and leaves money and gum under his pillow. Then takes the tooth to the tooth house and puts it with the others- "I believe there are like 600 or so."

Too cute and he can't stop looking and showing everyone his new toothless smile.